Mar 30, 2009

Traveling w/children

As salamu alaikum: As many of us know traveling alone can be difficult and when traveling with children it is just a fitnah that requires alot of sabr. The flight from Pennsylvania to Medina is approx. 14 hours in the air. You must fly into Jeddah and then connect to Medina. I mention this because again preparation is key to any successful travel. If you have small children I recommend if at all possible book a direct evening flight if it is an option. I say this for several reasons. Encourage your children to sleep the majority of the trip. This can give you an opportunity to avoid anxiety, restlessness and behavior issues. Come prepared with coloring books, reading material or even your favorite reciter on your Ipod. Many children have problems dealing with the pressure they may feel from the ears due to the airplanes altitude. Chewing gum, ear plugs or even allowing infants to drink from a bottle can relieve some of the uncomfort. A few years ago our family moved to Morocco (flight time approx. 8hrs.) this departure was an 8pm our youngest child an infant at the time nursed and slept almost the entire trip alhumdulilah. I felt bad for some of the other passengers children crying parents walking up and down the isle trying to soothe children. As much as some of us like to look out the window and see the amazing view from the air. Allow the children to have window seats this will also play as a distraction to pass time. There are several airlines that can transport you to and from Jeddah research peak and off fares and promotions. My experience on Saudi Air has been excellent. The flight is direct and the service is child friendly. I feel comfortable when the pilot makes dua before taking off. During Ramadan sahoor is served before fajr and even on the Thursday flights dates are given to those who may be fasting. MashaAllah. Many of the planes are very spacious with a small musella area in the rear to offer salah.
Luggage is the the second most important part to having a stress free trip. Go on line, call customer service but ALWAYS check the baggage weight restrictions for your airline. Over weight luggage can be the beginning of a nightmare for you. Overweight luggage can delay your boarding and can be expensive if you are not prepared. Simply to avoid this buy or borrow an inexpensive in home scale weigh yourself then hold the luggage have some one read the new weight subtract the new weight from your weight this will tell you how much your luggage weighs and allows you time to reorganize before getting to the airport. If possible bring an additional empty bag with you if needed. My advice is to always adhere to the sunnah and the advice of the Ulema and have your husband or a mahram with you when ever possible so that these issues can be a little less stressful when the entire family is traveling together.


  1. As salam alaiki,

    Thats good to know. I hate creepie crawly things! Lizards and mice...Oh My! I guess once you are there for some time you get used to it or atleast learn to deal with it, masha allah better than roaches...HAHA


  2. I guess me and my kids would be going natural b/c I can't do hair to save my life! lol.. Come to think of it i guess if a sis made hijrah to Medina she would do good business by opening up a salon since there aren't many available.

    As salam alaiki

