Mar 29, 2009


As saalamu Alaikum:
I have to admit my choice to create a blog was motivated by another sisters blog that I read often and I find it creative as well as informative to all who have the niyyah (intention) to make hijrah. Thank you Yemeni Niqabi. My intention is to share my feelings and experiences I encountered preparing to move from Pennsylvania and my life now in Medina.
Preparation to make hijrah should be a very calculated event in your life. Moving from one country to another is not only a major event in any ones life but can be a costly event. The first step and most important to coming to Medina is PASSPORTS and VISA'S. If you are like me and have a large family (5 children plus an extended family) begin getting passports when you are able to afford them. Currently the rate for children under 16 is $60 each plus processing fees. Any teen over 16 is $75 if you have plans to leave immediately and need your passports expedited add an additional $60 each. Always check for rate changes and requirements on Secondly research details about your new potential home. Find out facts from others who already live there and read literature about visa cost and requirements. The Internet can be a useful tool visit the countries embassy web site or always a blog or two to learn as much useful information as possible that may help you on your way.
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia requires a visa to enter and to leave. This is a very important matter because there have been many who come and stay sometime then go to the airport to depart with ticket in hand and unable to do so because they have never gotten that all to important EXIT VISA.

1 comment:

  1. As salaamu 'alaikum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh

    JazaakAllaahu khairun, I can't wait to see or hear more.

    Umm Naasruddeen Jameelah
