Sisterhood in Islam is very important we are not only wives but the mothers, daughters and sisters to one another. Our responsibilities and role in our communities are great and the rewards from Allah are numerous. Part of what fosters good feelings and sisterhood is simple acts of kindness towards one another. Sadaqah to someone that you have never met but your faith in Allah and your desire to receive barakats for your good intentions is what keeps you going.
About a month ago I was visiting the Haram (The Prophets Masjid) with my family as we have done many times since being here. You will find that on any given day it is populated with hundreds of people but seemingly more so on Thursday and Friday. Like us, families come to offer the salah, attend classes or sit and benefit from each other. When walking through the court yard I passed 2 women with their children not really anything about them caught my eye just once we made eye contact I gave the saalams and continued to where I was going. As I walked by I heard one say something to her child in English. This did catch my attention because here in Medina that is not common. I still kept walking until I reached my oldest daughter I told her what I heard and she actually didn't believe me at first. So that's when I decided to go introduce myself and I encouraged my children to come along. I walked over to the same area I saw the women in but now there were several more. I gave the group of women the saalams and asked was anyone an American. "Yes", one of the sisters replied and where are you from? I told them we were from Pennsylvania, still a little shocked only because I have met many people here and some English speaking but very few from America.
Soon after we were invited to sit down and join them in a short time I learned a little about the small group of women. Three of the women were from Texas, New York and Florida and 3 others from Sweden. MahsaAllah I thought Allah's earth is large and he makes Muslims from every walk of life and Allah has guided us all to meet here in Medina at this most beautiful and sacred place. Everyone talked about how long they have lived in Medina (some as many as 5-7 years), there families and why they had come. During the conversations I was happy to hear that the women try to meet every week. Time had passed us by so quickly as the children played and the sunset almost time for mahgrib. A cloth was laid out on the ground and food was served. Every person had brought a dish and shared it with the group. I felt so bad because I had nothing to offer but they insisted we stay and join them. Before it was time to go were invited to join them again next week phone numbers were exchanged and we left.
The group of sisters still meet every week taking the time out to enjoy themselves and their children. I haven't been able to go every week as I would like but I was very happy to join them this week. As the weeks have gone by the small group of sisters I met just a month ago has grown. I arrived just after Asr several people were already there this time new faces and the location was a park near Mount Uhud. I always welcome opportunities to meet other Muslim women from countries like Bahrain, Somalia, Sweden and Nigeria. The children had swings, roller blades and sliding boards to keep them busy, what a good time they had. Sisterhood was present everywhere as each person introduced themselves, offered to help with one thing or another or give advice on an issue or topic like learning the Arabic language, parenting, education and choosing schools, life in Medina as we experience it.Everyone representing something different but still holding on to the concepts of sisterhood. We read about Allah, his power and wisdom but when you are surrounded by such diversity it is a reminder that Allah is the creator of the heavens and the earth and he is able to do all things. I think about the verse in the Quran that says "And in your creation,and what He scattered (through the earth) of moving (living) creatures are signs for people who have Faith with certainty. (Al-Jathiya, Chapter #45, Verse #4)
I have posted some pictures of our day at the park.
The group of sisters still meet every week taking the time out to enjoy themselves and their children. I haven't been able to go every week as I would like but I was very happy to join them this week. As the weeks have gone by the small group of sisters I met just a month ago has grown. I arrived just after Asr several people were already there this time new faces and the location was a park near Mount Uhud. I always welcome opportunities to meet other Muslim women from countries like Bahrain, Somalia, Sweden and Nigeria. The children had swings, roller blades and sliding boards to keep them busy, what a good time they had. Sisterhood was present everywhere as each person introduced themselves, offered to help with one thing or another or give advice on an issue or topic like learning the Arabic language, parenting, education and choosing schools, life in Medina as we experience it.Everyone representing something different but still holding on to the concepts of sisterhood. We read about Allah, his power and wisdom but when you are surrounded by such diversity it is a reminder that Allah is the creator of the heavens and the earth and he is able to do all things. I think about the verse in the Quran that says "And in your creation,and what He scattered (through the earth) of moving (living) creatures are signs for people who have Faith with certainty. (Al-Jathiya, Chapter #45, Verse #4)
I have posted some pictures of our day at the park.