Education is a very important factor in our home. Islamic education as well as subjects in Math, Geography and English. Finding a good school is important no matter where you live. Before coming to Medina my husband and I weighed our options carefully about what educational environment to place our children in. Medina has private schools and public schools. Children are given an education in not only Quran and Arabic but additional subjects such as math, grammar,History etc. some schools offer spoken and written English. With a teenager close to completing high school and smaller grade school children we decided to home school our high school student simply because of the lack of Arabic language skills and supplement by sending her to classes outside the home in Quran/Tajweed and Arabic. My concern was that my child did do not have enough of the Arabic language to attend high school immediately and would be at a disadvantage. The younger children attend school outside the home and are completely emerged in Arabic speaking schools. In this instance because the younger children are still learning the basics they adapt very easily and quickly. If you are considering placing your children in school you will need to have school transcipt's translated or authenticated by the Saudi Embassy otherwise your child/children will be held back from their proper grade.
The average school day is from 7am to 12:30 pm rest days are Thursday and Friday. There is a uniform requirement at both private and public schools. The week begins on Saturday which took some mental adjusting to at first coming from the West. In Medina many families attend Quran classes from Asr to Mahgrib many of the masjids or schools in the area offer free or low cost classes. Adults and children can learn tajweed and have duroos on various subject matter. Even small children may attend as young as 3 in some cases. If you are currently involved in class in your community learning Quran, Tajweed or Arabic then you are on the right track to preparing for life in Medina. If you are not involved in any classes or struggle with those subject areas I implore you to find a class and learn as much as you can. Learn, Learn, Learn. It is so important to have a foundation in Arabic your transition will be alot smoother. I have learned that my English speaking tongue has so many difficulties with the Arabic language. My first day of class I realized my tajweed was non existent. I have been reciting surahs incorrectly for longer than I care to mention. But as I still struggle to learn I feel good about what I have accomplished and inshaallah will keep moving forward.